Known and Fixed Bugs drawSTUDIO

The following bugs are known about and/or have been fixed:


  • The screen does not always redraw correctly after exporting a bitmap.
  • The SoftShadow ARexx script does not always select the objects correctly during execution.


  • A bug in printing was experienced when printing on standard systems. This has been fixed.


  • A bug in the IFF-ILBM saver caused crashes when exporting IFF-ILBM bitmaps. This was caught before the final disks were shipped.


  • Text rotation did not work correctly on the demo version. This was not actually a bug, but an error in compilation (ooops!).


  • Several users informed us of a bug which caused their machine to freeze or crash when drawSTUDIO was loading and initialising. We traced this down to a bug with the error requester being opened before drawSTUDIO's screen. If you were experiencing this bug, please download the new version. It is likely that drawSTUDIO will still not run, but the error requester should now tell you why!
  • The program could also be made to freeze by creating or dragging a shape off the side of the page, causing the page to scroll automatically. This bug has been fixed for v0.9.10.
  • Some users witnessed creen corruption and possibly crashes when used with large (greater than 800x600) screens on some machines. This has been fixed for v0.9.10.

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